The Rite was first established in France in 1754. The Degrees of the Rite amplify the teachings of Craft Masonry; the three degrees of Craft Masonry are accepted as the equivalents of the first three degrees of the Rite. The nine members of the Supreme Council, warranted in 1845, confer the last four degrees (30th, 31st, 32nd and 33rd) at 10 Duke Street, St. James, London, the Grand East of the Order. The other degrees in the Rite, 4th to 17th degrees are conferred by name, of which one or two are demonstrated at 4 different English locations each year.
The Principles of Christianity are represented in the 18th Degree. A Brother wishing to be perfected must have been initiated in a Lodge under the United Grand Lodge of England and have been a Master Mason for a full year. He must be in good standing in his Lodge, before he is proposed, and he must profess the Trinitarian Christian Faith.
The Ceremony of the 18th Degree seeks Perfection of Christian Virtues in Faith, Hope and Charity. It is an immensely thought provoking, impressive and beautiful ceremony which instils a warmth of Brotherly love on which the whole Masonic movement is founded.
The regalia for the 18th is both simple and spectacular and comprise of a red collar embroidered in gold braid, with the symbols and emblems of the Degree of Perfection. A jewel is appended to the collar.
The District of Leicestershire and Rutland comprises of 9 Chapters, and these meet in Leicester and five other Masonic Centres within the District. Each Chapter meets three times a year and each meeting concludes with a Festive Board.
Each year a Sovereign is elected and Enthroned and Officers are appointed and invested. Meetings are very friendly and relaxed with members sharing a commitment to Christian fellowship and a deep understanding of this beautiful Masonic Order.
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