A Candidate should know that:

a.  He will be joining a Christian Order known as “The Ancient and Accepted Rite” which comprises thirty-three degrees.

b.  Membership of the Order implies a desire for further advancement in masonic knowledge. Its degrees will be found to amplify the teachings of Craft Masonry within a Christian Context. For this reason, a candidate must profess the Trinitarian Christian Faith and will be required, prior to any formal consideration of his candidature, to sign a declaration to this effect.

c.  The Order acknowledges the authority of The United Grand Lodge of England over the three degrees of Craft Masonry and accepts them as the equivalents of the corresponding degrees of the Rite. For this reason a candidate must:

o   have been a Master Mason for at least one full year before he can be elected to membership of this order; and

o    have received his three Craft degrees in a Lodge or Lodges under The United Grand Lodge of England unless otherwise authorised in the Rules of the Supreme Council.

d.   A candidate is expected to seek admission into a Chapter in the District of his home or place of business. He will be asked for his reason if this is not the case. The object of this requirement is to preserve the friendly and intimate atmosphere in which the Chapter meet.

e.  Once accepted and elected as a candidate for Perfection he will have the 18th Degree conferred on him in full and Intermediate Degrees (4th to 17th) being first conferred by name.

f.   As a member of the Chapter he will be invited over a period of years, to progress through a number of offices in succession (should he wish) before attaining the Chair, as in other masonic Orders. The learning of the Chair requires more work but is usually shared so that the demands of the office are reduced and the pleasure of the year enhanced.

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